
Топ-лендинг на Монблане или в шлепанцах на крыше Европы

В летние месяцы прошлого года в окрестностях самой высокой альпийской горы Монблан (4809 м над уровнем моря) возникла интересная термическая ситуация, когда можно было подняться в восходящих воздушных потокам и парить на парапланах над этой «крышей Европы». Желание пилотов приземлиться на вершине и задокументировать это событие, безусловно, должно было быть огромным.

Антуан Жирар критикует пилотов

На холме их было в тот день около 200 человек и меня заинтриговал пост одного из них, известного искателя приключений Антуана Жирара, который резко набросился на этих пилотов в своем профиле на Facebook. Он убежден, что в тот день добрая треть пилотов не должна была быть на Монблане, и что пилоты мало осознавали риски повторного старта на такой большой высоте. Они просто не подумали о возможном вынужденном спуске вниз пешком в случае ухудшения условий. Он упомянул, например, что на таких высотах уже меньше кислорода, что влияет на движение и концентрацию ума, и напомнил, что в другой экспедиции, на высоте более 6900 метров над уровнем моря, и он имел возможность приземлиться ради фотографии на одной из вершин, но ради собственной безопасности он не сделал это.

В тот день, к счастью, большинство пилотов благополучно добрались с Монблана, но все-таки, к сожалению, это стоило жизни одного человека. Таким образом, Жирар задается вопросом, стоит ли ради своего Эго рисковать жизнью и обращается к своему чувству ответственности.

Translation of the post from Facebook - Antoine Girarda, who has 1326 shares and 366 comments to date:


I landed on Mont Blanc (15,777 ft), the top of Europe, along with a bunch of friends and part of my paragliding relatives! According to me, this could’ve been a great day, if it weren’t for the foolishness of countless people, and the stress overload from watching them moving on and risking their lives in such a way.
Too little pilots were aware of the danger, and it was a wonder that not a single person died (which is already one too much)

I do have a certain experience linked to my history in the management of altitude paragliding and mountaineering. My various expeditions taught me plenty. Here’s what really scared me.
The main issue remains hypoxia. Similarly to alcohol, one quickly feels like a superman while the level of reflection is at its lowest. Sensible decision-making is far more impaired and as a result, the landings turned out disastrous. Not to mention those who cratered the flat summit snow, the tailwind landings, or even those who rolled upon flat areas. However, I only mention those who truly put their lives into danger, those who missed the landing on the summit and instead of searching for the 18,045 feet high thermal in order to land properly, decided to land no matter what! Hence, they crashed 33, 98, 164, or even 328 ft below the summit, amid the steep slopes’ mountain crevices and without any alpine experience not equipment! The only reason they’re alive was because the snow was soft enough to keep them from slipping. Had the snow been a few inches thinner or a little less thick, all of them would have met their doom! The snow was fine, but that was impossible to know beforehand. Once they had landed, most of them couldn’t bear move, and could neither shift nor climb without risking plummeting down the slope. Thankfully, guides were present on the summit and spent several hours delivering first aids at the risk of their lives.
I do not question those who had the verve to land 164 ft below on the south ridge, which was safe that day.
The picture speaks for itself…
The mountain forgave and forgot loads during this first summit landing, which is quite rare indeed.
Once you’ve landed, you should be able to take off once more! I don’t think half the pilots were aware of how difficult taking off at about 16,404 ft was. It’s hard to run 16,404 ft, if not more, in soft snow.
There are two ways to solve this issue: either to have the sufficient technical expertise in paragliding along with the appropriate equipment (wing and light harness for greater nimbleness), or to provide for the equipment and to have the skills to walk all the way down.
The take off phase was a risky business for many pilots: many of them needed help to manage taking off, while others only pulled through by miracle, by jumping down. Leaving aside those who needed 2 or 3 attempts at taking off safely, I’d like to mention those who jumped down without any kind of control. . I saw several pilots jumping off the steep slopes with sharply tilted wings… Once again, the paramedics were there to contain the damage by searching for the reckless people or the take-off helper who did his best to assist the take-off.
Don’t be fooled by the pictures: the lack of threat is due to the fact most pilots either bore the right equipment or had the level of experience to remain safe. None of the pilots we saw in shorts and flip-flops on the summit had flown with that kind of equipment!!! It had been kept in the harness before to being taken out on the summit, in order to take pictures condemning the effects of climate change! (Keeping a sunshade and towel in a harness in not quite as easy as it seems!)
Most pilots had the level needed or the necessary equipment, but a good third of them had nothing to do on top of the Mont Blanc. Most of all, too many pilots weren’t aware of the real risks. All in all, the outcome is nearly fortunate compared to what could have happened – a single deadly accident. . But it’s one accident too many, which deeply saddens me. The day’s outcome could have been far more dire.
Being against any kind of prohibition, I therefore can’t support the choice of banning landing upon the Mont Blanc… I’m for general awareness along with the personal responsibility consciousness. But honestly, the obliviousness of so many pilots has left me terror-struck and I now understand this ban. It’s a shame such a pleasant thing should be outlawed because of a minority of pilots. Perhaps we should work harder on raising awareness? I have no idea, though I shudder at how too many pilots were willing to land no matter what.
On my last expedition, the over-flight of the Aconcagua (22,841 ft), I wanted to land on the summit. I finally decided against it because I considered my safety margin too thin  – though the summit was large, flat and people were taking off from every side. Compared to many pilots’ landing on the Mont Blanc, my margin was comfortable, to say the least. But is your own ego worth putting your life at risk? Beyond acting really selfish, what to think of the paramedics who risk their own lives, and the relatives who will suffer permanent damage?
What could’ve been a day of sheer pleasure along with a paragliding festival was tarnished by the behaviour of too many pilots. Sorry, but I do feel the need to express my outrage.
I’m going to try to forget all this and to carry on sharing lovely pictures of that day, which was all the same delightful to the eye.
Plenty of friends and pilots, still unknown to me, listened to reason and decided against landing. They were right to do so and will live to see their old piloting days. Others were stressed once they reached the summit by the sole awareness of the risk. Said awareness often keeps you alive. These rare behaviours comforted me slightly on the fact mankind wasn’t solely led by ego. Or part of it, at least!


Have a good flight!"

Кинга Машталерц критикует Жирара

В последующем интересном обсуждении другая участница Red Bull X Alps, проводимого в этом году, новозеландка Кинга Машталерц, хотя и похвалила Антуана за его мудрый пост, но, не колеблясь, напомнила ему о том, что он сам приземлился ради фотографии на вершине Монблана (да еще в шлепанцах) перед теми, кому он должен был служить примером.

Что думаете об этом вы? Это безопасное развлечение? Вы бы тоже приземлились ради хорошей фотографии?


фотография: FB Антуана Жирара - www.facebook.com/antoinegirardfly/

текст: Jiří Zábranský – www.cloudbase-hunters.cz

Источник: https://cloudbase-hunters.cz/girardova-kritika-top-landingu-na-mont-blancu-aneb-v-zabkach-na-strese-evropy/

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