News on 
15. 3. 2021
Driven Experiences Trophy Trucks
8. 3. 2021
Ever fancy windsurfing on snow?
8. 3. 2021
GIRLS OF KITESURFING by Stance Kiteboarding
8. 3. 2021
Frozen Titans: The Making of
New earth videos
15. 3. 2021
Driven Experiences Trophy Trucks
8. 3. 2021
Ever fancy windsurfing on snow?
8. 3. 2021
Frozen Titans: The Making of
Videos / Earth
2,800+ videos
New water videos
3. 2. 2021
Top 10 Freediving Spots
3. 2. 2021
Freediving: Barbora - zatopený les
Videos / Water
1,700+ videos
New air videos
The world of extreme sports
Welcome to the international web portal Adrex.com, the largest website worldwide for extreme, adrenaline and outdoor sports. We bring y completely new viewpoint on the three basic dimensions of our planet - earth, water, air, through the optics of activities, which were already recently considered as dangerous equipment for a narrow group of enthusiasts.

Base Camp
Unique test centre and material rental in one. We offer a broad scale of outdoor equipment, which you can, not only, test at our place.
Forest Resort
Reconstruction of the first republic villa, cultivation of the surrounding terrain and creation of a pleasant public environment with exquisite views into the surrounding landscape.