On Top of the World! Hot Air Balloons Filled the Sky in Dubai

Among other air sports that include Aerobatics, Gliding or Parachuting, Hot Air Ballooning has always stood out being the most traditional Air sport at the Games since its beginnings. A stunning display of numerous of hot air balloons decorating the sky above the land, as the rising sun illuminates the landscape or the setting sun creates the blush of dawn has been always a spectacular sight. And with Dubai's unique scenery it can't get any better.

This year, the world-class destination saw 70 of the world’s best pilots in spectacular sunset and sunrise flights over land’s impressive skyline. Germany’s David Strasmann was the most successful in completing a number of precision tasks and secured his first ever international title.

Also on the podium at the Sky Dubai Palm Dropzone were Belgium’s Steven Vlegels in silver-winning second, and Stefan Zeberli from Switzerland in third place. Gold medallist Strasmann, who came out on top of the huge, international field by attaining an impressive 7,282 points, received a standing ovation from the 300-strong crowd.

Later, he thanked the organizers of the competition for doing such a great job in sometimes challenging conditions. "It was a tough competition because we had this wind changing direction in the afternoon,” Strasmann said. “But we had a good crew, good speed, and good wind measurements."

On the final day of the Games 2015, balloon pilots flew from The World to the Skydive Dubai Palm Dropzone. Paramotor pilot and filmmaker Anthony Green joined them as they made the 14km crossing. Check out all the amazing pictures in the gallery bellow. It's simply stunning.

Photos: © Ant Green / FAI Media Team

Additional source: wagdubai.ae

Source: http://www. fai.org

21. 12. 2015 Comments: 0
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