Tailor-Made Hang Gliding Flights - Swiss Hang Gliding in Interlaken

They are a friendly, professional Hang Gliding company specialising in tandem flights above Interlaken in the Swiss Alps. Their main take-off site is among the highest outdoor commercial sites in the world and the highest in Interlaken itself. It is directly above the village and boasts one of the best views in Switzerland. Welcome to Interlaken again, welcome to Hang Gliding Interlaken.

Hang Gliding Interlaken team ranks among the most experienced in the Interlaken area, with internationally recognised commercial pilots, fully qualified through the  Swiss Hang Gliding Federation. Whether you want a smooth scenic flight or an adrenalin pumping thrill ride, just tell the pilots and they will tailor the flight to your needs. After all, it's your flight. You can go extreme, with stalls, dives and huge wingovers that make your eyes water and your mouth dry (but only if you want !)  And after all that you will land smoothly right in Interlaken.

The average flight is 10-25 min depending on what you want and the wind conditions allow.  It costs 235 CHF.  Allow about 2 hours for the whole adventure.  They will drive you to and from your Hostel, Backpackers or Hotel and all you have to do to make a booking is to contact the team.  A personalised "in flight"  DVD or Photos are available from them.

Contact:  Hang Gliding Interlaken GmbH. , Hoheweg 33, 3800 Interlaken,  Switzerland.

To get additional information just go to:  www.hangglidinginterlaken.com

Source: Hang Gliding Interlaken website  Thanks to Bernie Herrmann.  All images are property of Hang Gliding Interlaken.   Video:  Youtube   Text:  Thomas

23. 7. 2013 Comments: 0
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