Senzace 9a by Czech climbers
The value of these climbing performances is best documented by the media's interest and many video views of their protagonists. Take a look with us at professionally edited footage not only of the climbing, as some drone footages are “landscape-magnificent," and Vojta Trojan also accompanied it with a description of the location’s history and climbing technique.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, a message appeared on “In September, the author of the Senzace route, Adam Ondra, has written his second ascent. In 2014, he sent it originally as 11-, but after breaking off the hold, he has now raised it to 11 (9a).” You can find a video of Adam’s ascent on his Instagram.
Vojta Trojan
Then Vojta Trojan sent the Senzace route at the beginning of October. Thanks to #RafikiClimbing for this feat.
Martin Stráník
And a few days later, also Martin Stráník didn't hesitate.
Adrex Places
The location of Krkavčí skála and many other -not only - climbing spots can be found on the new mobile application Adrex Places, which also has a web form. You can easily search, filter, navigate, insert, add, and comment on your favorite locations. For more information, please click here.
Photo: Martin Pelikán
Aleena Martin 11.12.2020 09:57
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Bella 11.12.2020 10:00