East or West, Take a St. Louis Paintball Test

Wacky Warriors marks one of the most traditional paintball operators in the USA. How dare the guys from Wacky Warriors make that claim? They not only host the course in two states, but they also provide fighters with over 18 playing fields. Wacky Warriors have been in paintball industry for over 25 years. Their arsenal includes over 500 rental markers and their pitches keep busy all year round.

Wacky Warriors is a paintball club based in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Actually they operate 2 paintball areas on both sides of the city. While their Western field stays in Missouri, their Eastern playing field lies in Illinois. You can join one of many tournaments on their air-ball fields and if that is not your style, you can try hunting down your buddies on one of many woods-ball fields.

When it comes to parties you can always check out the new Wacky Warriors "Village", which is a blast for birthday parties and church groups.  Also the Warriors "Castle" field with 2 stories of paintball action!  Don't feel like playing, you can still watch all the action behind completely netted off "Brickyard" or "Air-ball" fields. They also host airsoft parties. Adrex.com recommends Wacky Warriors Paintball fields and services.

Wacky Warriors East (Millstadt) Field

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Wacky Warriors West (Wentzville) Field

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Contacts: Wacky Warriors  5519 S. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis MO 63123 (Store) Tel. 314-518-4436. EAST Field  3908 Mine Haul Rd. Millstadt, IL 62260, USA.  WEST Field 700 Wacky Road, Wentzville, MO 63385, USA.  For more information, go to:  www.wackywarriors.com

Source: Wacky Warriors website  Thanks guys for approval. All images are property of Wacky Warriors. Copyrights applied. Video: Youtube  Text: Thomas

21. 1. 2014 Comments: 0
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