Mancelona Shootings - Paintball Northern Michigan, USA

Area 51 Paintball have been in business since 1998 and have had many groups join them for a day of paintball. They opened their new 40-acre location in the summer of 2002, and would like to invite you to organize a group and head out to their field. Area 51 Paintball provides also pro-shop on the spot and organizes tournaments and full scale scenario games.
3. 10. 2013 Comments: 0

Area 51 Paintball offer a speedball field and several Rec-ball fields with elevated towers, deep trenches, bridges, sandbag bunkers, and concrete structures. Fields are open Saturdays and Sundays from 12 till dark.

Area 51 Paintball Field is situated just 2,5 miles southwest of Mancelona. It is between the towns of Mancelona and Kalkaska on the road 131 , right along the road.

Address: Area 51 Paintball, 3005 Westwood Rd., Mancelona, MI   49659, USA  Tel. 231-313-3111   For additional information you can follow to:  

Source: Area 51 Paintball website  Thanks to Jon Buhland.  Video: Youtube  Text: Martin Alexander

3. 10. 2013 Comments: 0
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