Stylish Paint Assassination in Kolna - Paintball Krakow, Poland

Both Speedball and Woodsball, well maintained and diverse fields can be found just 10 km southwest of Krakow in Poland. The group around „Kolna“ area has been organizing games here for already several years. They call themselves Assassins and you can be sure they know very well what the art of paintball fighting really means. The Kolna Paintball Field chief leaders and operators are in fact avid gamers themselves. In addition, they can provide you with an unbeatable selection of the latest paintball and airsoft equipment.

Assassins Paintball field „Kolna“ is located at the Canoeing center, Kolna 2, which is near Tyniecka Street, about 20 minutes drive from the center of Krakow. Polygon has an area of ​​approximately 1.5 hectares and can host up to 60 players at once. They organize all kinds of games including Scenarios and Paintball for children from 9 years.

To get to Kolna field from Krakow you have to go southwest of the city. Take Tyniecka Street (up the Wisla river), continue until highway 7 (A4) and turn right just before the highway and follow to canoeing center (Tor kajakowy). The field spreads along Wisla blind branch. Find the exact position of the field here on Locations...

Contacts: Assassins Paintball S.C. , Grzegorz Armatys, Michal Szewczyk, Office: Drożdżowa Street 5, 30-898, Krakow, Poland  Tel. +48 506 018 120  To get more information (in Polish only) go to:   

Source: Assassins Paintball website and FB profile  Thanks to Grzegorz Armatys. All images are property of Assassins Paintball. Copyrights applied.  Video: Youtube  Text: Martin 

4. 11. 2013 Comments: 0
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