Via Ferrata, Klettersteig or Iron Way

Klettersteig – or better literally , Iron Way , as there is not an English equivalent to the word that has its roots in Alpine countries. Italian way - Via Ferrata consists of a system of iron pegs fixed to the rock with iron cable attached to them and other helpful bars and ladders that allow climber to overcome even the most difficult parts of rocks.
30. 5. 2013 Comments: 0

Klettersteig – or better literally , Iron Way , as there is not an English equivalent to the word that has its roots in Alpine countries. Italian way - Via Ferrata consists of a system of iron pegs fixed to the rock with iron cable attached to them and other helpful bars and ladders that allow climber to overcome even the most difficult parts of rocks.

Although you can find different Via Ferratas worldwide, until now we specialize mostly in the closest - European and probably the most attractive – Alpine. Via Ferrata system enables you to experience climbing even the hardest-to-reach parts of rocks otherwise inaccessible and devoted only to the best ones. No matter you are just beginner, you can enjoy the feeling of the best climbers using Ferratas. There are five difficulty levels , which are indicated by alphabetical letters. A bottom level A is the easiest and suitable for beginners and families with children, while the most difficult, qualified as E, acceptable only to very experienced climbers in excelent condition. We recommend to get informed in advance about difficulty and other details that can play role during your trip. Try to avoid congestions on your route. The number of climbers on the route is sometimes so high that your climb down can become almost impossible.


What do you need? A klettersteig set, to be hired at any outdoor specialized rentals or shops, is nothing more than a set of two climbing Harnesses (combined sit and chest-harness) and two wide-mouthed Carabiners , preferably auto-locking type.

Helmet – too often neglected , a fine helmet is a very useful thing for climbers at all ability levels.It will not only protect you from injury in falls , but more probably it will save you from falling debris when you are climbing.Falling stones can cause fatal head injuries.Once part of a group of climbers stricken by a heavy summer thunderstorm in the middle of Ferrata , we witnessed a stone avalanche seriously injuring our Austrian colleague right in front of us.What a lucky guy thanks to wearing a helmet at the time.Although he had to be rushed to hospital by a helicopter immediately, it was definitely his head protector that saved his life.

Shoes – there are special shoes for climbing Ferratas ,but a solid trekking shoes can do the job as well .What you should not use are too tight shoes.If they are,you might concentrate on your pain more than on your climbing and having fun either.The feeling in your shoes is the most important measure.

Gloves – you probably cannot avoid small abrasions on your hands while cooperating with Ferrata construction.Therefore a pair of good gloves is what we consider to be a solution.

Rope – you can also meet a parts of your route missing the iron construction at all for some reasons.That is why we advise you to pack at least 10 meters of dynamic rope to your bag too.

Don´t forget – Important Information :

  • Always watch the weather forecast – sudden weather change can bring troubles to your kletter.
  • Always consult the difficulty level of your kletter ascend before it – sometimes there is no way up for you in the middle and the way down might seem impossible too.
  • Get informed about local ambulance phone numbers.
  • Don´t overestimate your abilities – even a well saveguarded kletter is not risk free.
  • Always enjoy your kletter as much as you can.

30. 5. 2013 Comments: 0

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